Beyond Resolutions: Creating Sustainable Habits for Busy Mums

Do you ever set new year’s resolution but always fail to keep up with your goals? Have you given up creating new routines because you know it won’t work and you will fall back to your old habits?

We are at the start of 2024, and we all have great intentions of changing things in our lifestyle such as more exercise, better sleep, eat more nutritious food and spending more quality time with the kids. Yes, the list goes on but, you realise how can I do this as my life is so busy looking after the kids and the family. It’s just too busy and difficult to get time for just ME.

Amidst the chaos of daily life, setting intentional and realistic health goals can pave the way for a happier and more balanced life as a mum. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming and too difficult to make small changes in your life that can make a world of difference.

For busy mums, the challenge lies not only in setting goals but in finding ways to make these aspirations a lasting part of their hectic routines.

In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips for busy mums to establish healthy intentions and embrace a nourishing journey in the coming year so you can life your life to the fullest and be the healthiest version of yourself.

Resolutions often fall short for various reasons – they might be unrealistic, lack specificity, or not align with the daily demands of motherhood. Busy mums find themselves juggling countless responsibilities, making it essential to adopt an approach that's both flexible and sustainable.

A good start is to reflect on the past year’s successes and challenges. Acknowledge what worked well and what could be improved. This reflection provides valuable insights to guide your intentions for the new year. Don’t be too hard on yourself if things didn’t go according to your plan, sometimes life happens, and things are out of your control. This simple act as a review to help you plan for the coming year and see what worked and what didn’t.

2023 was definitely a year with lots of ups and downs for me as my husband broke both hips and had to be in hospital for a long time. It turned our life upside down as he needed lots of help with numerous things both in the home and driving to appointments. There was less time for me, and it was difficult to balance it all with kids, an ill husband and full-time work. One thing that helped me was to embrace flexibility and realise I could still do my exercise, but I just needed to modify it. If I couldn’t do an hour yoga, I might do 30 minutes or even a short meditation which did such a difference. Making time for me was essential so I had the energy and could be there for my family. Making changes to your routine and habits might be required as the year rolls on, but it doesn’t mean that you have to stop reaching your wellbeing and looking after yourself, no quite the opposite. It’s in those situations you need to stick to your routines and looking after yourself so you can keep going through the hard times.

Here are some useful tips for you to think about when you plan for your goals and resolutions for 2024 that has been really useful for me.

The Power of Habit-Building:

  1. Start Small, Think Big:

    • Instead of overhauling your entire routine, start with small changes. Whether it's incorporating a five-minute stretch in the morning or opting for a healthy snack, small habits can lead to significant transformations over time. This resonate very well when you are a busy mum as time is scarce.

  2. Set SMART Goals:

    • Make your intentions Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). This approach brings clarity to your goals and allows you to track progress effectively.


Tailoring Habits to Mum Life:

  1. Integrate Habits into Daily Routines:

    • Busy mums work best with routines to make life flow better. By integrate new habits seamlessly into your existing daily schedule it’s easier to make changes and it doesn’t feel as hard. For instance, a short mindfulness practice during nap time or a quick workout after dropping the kids at school or before they wake up in the morning.

  2. Prioritise Self-Care:

    • Sustainable habits should prioritise self-care as mums often neglect themselves in the hustle of daily life. Whether it's a daily moment of quiet, a soothing bath, or a chapter of a book, prioritise activities that rejuvenate your mind and body will make a world of difference in the long run.

Overcoming Challenges:

  1. Embrace Flexibility:

    • Life as a mum is unpredictable and you never know how your day will turn out. Embrace the reality that some days won't go as planned. Be flexible in adjusting your habits without feeling defeated. You can still reach your goals but incorporating flexibility lessen the burden of doing to a certain schedule and time.

  2. Cultivate a Support System:

    • Share your habit-building journey with fellow mums or friends. A supportive network provides encouragement, accountability, and shared experiences.


Celebrating Milestones:

  1. Acknowledge Progress:

    • Celebrate small victories along the way. Acknowledging progress, no matter how minor, reinforces the positive behaviour you're trying to instill. You are doing your best with the resources you have so be gentle on yourself and take things as they come.

  2. Adjust and Evolve:

    • As your life evolves, so should your habits. Periodically reassess your goals, adjust them based on your current circumstances, and set new milestones. Your situation and outlook might change halfway through the year so make adjustments to make it work.


Overall health & wellbeing

  1. Meal Planning and Healthy Eating:

    • For busy moms, meal planning can be a game-changer. Dedicate time each week to plan nutritious meals, ensuring you have the right ingredients on hand. Healthy eating contributes significantly to overall well-being.

  2. Regular Health Check-ups:

    • Prioritise your health by scheduling regular check-ups. Ensure you're up-to-date on screenings and vaccinations. Prevention and early detection are crucial components of maintaining overall health.

  3. Prioritising Mental Health:

    • Mental well-being is as crucial as physical health. Consider incorporating mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These practices can help manage stress and promote emotional resilience, so important to stay grounded and present in your mum life.


Creating sustainable habits for busy mums is not about perfection but about progress. By understanding the pitfalls of resolutions, embracing the power of habit-building, tailoring habits to your mum life, overcoming challenges, and celebrating milestones, mums can forge a path to a healthier, more balanced life. In the journey beyond resolutions, the focus shifts from immediate changes to long-term well-being, ensuring a fulfilling and sustainable approach to personal growth in the coming year.

If you want to have learn more how to create your own self-care routine and set goals and habits that works for YOU. Click here to sign up for my FREE online yoga immersion this January and you will get your FREE bonus now.




Nourishing Your Body: Yoga and Nutrition Tips for Busy Mums


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