Boost Your Immunity with Ayurveda: A Guide for Busy Mums

Winter is a time when our immunity is low, and we tend to get sick as the season changes. If one family member gets sick, it’s soon doing the rounds, and everyone is down with some nasty cold or flu virus. This isn’t an easy time for us mums especially if we also get sick and feeling unwell. Amidst the colder season it’s important to maintaining our health and boosting our immunity so we avoid getting sick in the first place.

How do we do this and is it possible?

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine and offers you a simple, natural and holistic way to enhance your immune system. I use ayurveda in my daily life and it has really changed the way I feel and how I bounce back from any sickness. It’s great for busy mums who don’t have time to get sick and need to be fit and healthy. It’s also a great way to improve the whole family wellbeing and approach to health and boost everyone’s immunity.

Winter symbolise the dosha of Kapha and Vata. The cold, dry and windy qualities of Vata combined with heavy, wet and cold qualities of Kapha. Balancing both these qualities will help you prevent illness and maintain good health.

Here is a comprehensive guide to help you incorporate some ayurvedic practices into your daily routine to stay healthy and boost your immunity.


Tip 1- Warm nourishing foods

  • Root vegetables – Incorporate sweet potatoes, carrots and beets which are grounding and have essential nutrients.

  • Whole grains – Consume whole grains like quinoa, millet, and oats for sustained energy and warmth.

  • Soups and stews - Enjoy warm, hearty soups and stews with plenty of spices and vegetables to keep your body warm and hydrated.

Tip 2 – Spices and herbs

  • Ginger and turmeric – These warming spices help improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity.

  • Cinnamon and Cloves: Add these spices to your teas and dishes to enhance circulation and provide warmth.

  • Garlic and Onions: Incorporate these into your meals for their immune-boosting and warming properties.

Tip 3 – Healthy fats

  • Ghee and Oils: Use ghee and healthy oils like sesame and olive oil in your cooking to nourish and lubricate the body from within.

Tip 4 – Healthy daily routine

  • Morning rituals – Kickstart the morning with drinking a glass of warm water with lemon and ginger to fire up your digestion.

  • Hydration – Drink warm beverages such as herbal teas and warm water with lemon to keep internal warmth and hydration.

  • Gentle exercise – Engage in light exercise like yoga, walking, stretching. Avoid excessive outdoor exercise when it’s cold.

  • Adequate sleep – Ensure you get enough sleep and keep a regular sleep schedule to support your immune system and overall wellbeing.

Tip 5 – Seasonal cleansing

  • Nasal oil – Apply a few drops of ayurvedic sesame oil into your nostrils to lubricate and protect against dryness and infections.

  • Herbal steam – Inhale steam with eucalyptus or mint to clear congestion and moisture the respiratory tract.

Tip 6 – Stress management

  • Meditation and mindfulness – Practice mediation and mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and provide mental clarity and calm.

  • Breathing exercise – Do some pranayama such as Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) to balance the doshas and enhance respiratory health.


Incorporating Ayurvedic practices into your busy lifestyle doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start with small changes and gradually build up to a more comprehensive routine for you and your family. You might find some things resonate with you more and is easier to incorporate start with those and feel the difference it makes. Once you begin things will get easier and you will enjoy the benefits of ayurvedic health and lifestyle that is so powerful.

By following these Ayurvedic tips, you can boost your immunity, improve your overall health, and navigate your busy life with more energy and vitality. Remember, a healthy mum means a healthy family!



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