Finding your balance in a busy life

Hey busy Mumma, are feeling like you are running on a treadmill, and you can’t stop or like that mouse in the spinning wheel that just keep on running and never get a break?

Everyone wants a piece of you, your kids, your friends, your family, work, the list goes on. You feel like you can’t stop and never have time for yourself. This is how I felt, and it wasn’t a nice feeling. I just kept on going and just thought there is enough energy in me to keep on doing this and do everything I needed to do, but no this wasn’t true at all. I didn’t take time off when I felt tired, I didn’t just sit down and take a breath, I didn’t go to bed earlier instead if I had extra time I just tried to squeeze in more work. One day I came to work and looked at my screen and felt so tired and had zero energy. I thought I can’t keep on doing this.

OK if this is you listen up…. this is the first warning signals that you are on the downhill and slowly burning the candle at both ends and soon you will hit the wall and that’s a place we don’t want to be at.

At this point for me…. I took some time off and decided this was a sign for me to change my approach to my life and how I live it. I had seen other friends being burnt out and how tough it was, so this wasn’t a route I wanted to take. Being a mum and having a husband with a chronic illness was all adding up and I had forgotten myself and how to look after me.

If this is how you’re feeling maybe it doesn’t need to get to that point. Let me share with you why….

One word … YOGA….and I started putting my wellness as top priority.

Yoga was something that really helped me come back to a more balanced lifestyle and finding that inner calm in my daily life. I started practising more regularly and eating better. I learnt to listen to my body and what I needed. Sometimes that was a restorative yoga where my body just needed to relax, or it could be yin yoga for a more of a stretch or just sitting quiet for some meditation. Slowly this was making a big change to my life and how I felt, and this become more of a whole new lifestyle.

Life is still busy with work, kids, commitments but I have found a way to find a calm in the chaos of everyday life and learn how to stop before it’s too late. We can’t always change or control what’s happening in our life, but we do have control over how we react and approach it.

You might ask yourself; how can I make changes to my life so I can keep going whilst still feeling that you are in control of your life and being balanced?

You won’t have a magical change overnight; it takes time to change your habits which can feel frustrating at the start. It’s all about making a choice and taking the first step in the right direction. Then you continue implementing a few more changes into your life and you will slowly feel a difference and a positive shift in your wellbeing. You will develop a new way of living and you naturally will make healthier choices in your daily life.

Take your first step today to regain your energy and look after yourself so you can live your life to the fullest and being the healthiest version of yourself. It all starts with you, and if you feel good and in balance you have more energy to look after your family and feeling great.

Here is how you as a busy mum can start implementing some changes to your busy day.


1.     Get up a bit earlier in the morning and just sit in stillness for 10-15mins and listen in to all the sounds around you. This is often the only quiet time busy mums have so made this special and all about you, it will make a huge difference to set you up for the day.

2.     Whilst still in bed or if you rather get up do a short yoga sequence to wake up the body. Getting the blood flow and circulation going is a great way to start the morning and get that energy you need for a productive day.

3.     If you live in a house, you could go out and stand with your bare feet in the grass to ground yourself for the day. This helps rebalance the body and connect yourself. We all know how good you feel when spending time in nature or walking barefoot in the sand.

During the day

4.     Set an alarm on your phone or smart watch to remind yourself to take a break. Stand up and do a few stretches. This reduces your built-up tension in the body such as neck, shoulders and back and also refresh your mind as your eyes will have a break from the screen.

5.     Leave your desk and go outside to get some fresh air and take some deep breaths.

6.     Practice mindfulness. We often do things out of a habit, but often forget to be present in the moment and don’t even remember what we are doing. For example, when you are with your kids be present, don’t pick up your phone and answer emails or text whilst pushing your child on the swing. I think we all have been guilty of this and trying to do too much, but being in the moment and focus on one thing at the time will reduce your stress and your mind will feel calmer.


7.     Before you leave work ensure you take some time to get some fresh air or ground yourself, so you are ready to start all your evening routines when you come home. This is a great way to give you some space for yourself to ensure you have the energy to deal with the rest of the evening.

8.     Do a short yoga routine with some stretches and a bit of relaxation. Yoga is super beneficial for moving that body after sitting all day in front of a desk or if you have been busy looking after the kids.

9.     Make a cup of tea and listen to some relaxing music so you get into a relaxing space before you go to bed and forget about all that has happened during the day and what you need to do for the next day.

Remember you are dealing with a lot as a busy mum so be gently on yourself. Don’t feel guilty of taking time for just you. You are important and so is your health and well-being.

Want to find out how you can implement some great routines into your life?

Join my FREE Revitalize and Thrive: A 4-day yoga challenge to Reclaim your energy and Balance for Busy Professional Mums. Learn how to rebalance, restore and nourish through yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Sign up on my website:


The Superpower of Gratitude: Empowering Busy Mums to Thrive