Yoga and Self-Love: Embracing Body Positivity for Mums

Motherhood is a transformative journey, filled with boundless love and selfless devotion. Yet, the joys of raising a family, mums often find themselves neglecting self-love and body positivity. It’s as important to love yourself and accept yourself as you are. As mums we often struggle accepting and loving ourselves as who we are. We love to compare us with how we looked before or how other mums look, but we are all different and things change over time both our bodies and how we look. In this blog post, we explore the connection between yoga and cultivating a positive body image, offering mums like you a path to embrace self-love and wellness on your unique motherhood journey.


The Body Positivity Revolution

Embracing Change

One of the most important factors is to acknowledge the physical changes that comes with motherhood. Our body will change to make room for a baby and to be able to carry this child for several months. Your body is amazing and can-do fantastic things to prepare and support you throughout pregnancy, but it will also transform your body after your baby is born. Yoga can provide a nurturing space to appreciate and celebrate the strength and resilience of the postpartum body. There are several ways you can support your body with yoga to build fitness and flexibility. It’s also important to set realistic expectations of where you are in the moment. With this mindset to your postpartum journey allows you to foster self-love through acceptance of your body's natural evolution. Incorporating gratitude into your yoga practice helps you celebrate your body's strength and the profound experience of motherhood.


Mindful Presence

Yoga and meditation all about being mindful and being in the moment. This will especially help mums to stay present when you are with your kids and enjoy the moment but will also help you to relax and de-stress after a busy day. Mindfulness empowers you to embrace your body and appreciate this with gratitude.


Yoga for Self-Love

Empowerment in Asanas

Yoga can help you build strength and flexibility which can provide you with a sense of inner power and sense of achievement. Here are some poses you could try. If you can’t do them straight away and for too long, the challenge is to extend the hold for, longer each time and you will be amazed how much your body can do. Once you achieved it you will feel strong and ready to take on anything. You might surprise yourself that you are stronger than you think. Show your body some appreciate for what it can achieve and show self-love.


Here are some great hear opening exercises to incorporate into your daily routine.

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Ground yourself, stand tall, and channel a sense of inner strength and stability.

  • Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): Balance on one leg, root down, and reach upward like a tree growing towards the sky, embodying stability and growth.

  • Plank Pose (Phalakasana): Hold a strong plank position, fostering physical and mental r Plank Pose (Phalakasana):

  • Chair Pose (Utkatasana): Sink into a seated position, engaging your core and thighs, symbolizing the strength to endure and overcome challenges.

Heart-Opening Sequences:

Heart-opening sequences in yoga are typically incorporated into a practice to promote physical, emotional, and energetic well-being. These sequences often involve poses that expand and open the chest area, stretching and strengthening the muscles around the heart. These types of exercises could be beneficial to use for the following practices.

  • Morning routine: Start your day with heart-opening poses to awaken the body, open up the chest, and set a positive tone for the day.

  • Stressful Days: Incorporate heart-opening sequences during periods of stress to release tension, improve mood, and create a sense of emotional ease.

  • Evening Practice: Include heart-opening poses in your evening practice to release accumulated tension from the day, fostering a sense of relaxation and openness.

Incorporating heart-opening sequences into your yoga practice offers a holistic approach to physical and emotional well-being, fostering a sense of openness, compassion, and balance.

Heart opening exercises can have numerous benefits such as releasing emotion. The heart is often associated with emotions. Heart-opening poses can help release stored emotions and create a sense of emotional balance. These poses can trigger the relaxation response in the body, reducing stress and anxiety. In yoga philosophy, the heart chakra (Anahata) is believed to be the centre of love and compassion. Heart-opening poses activate and balance this energetic centre. The physical act of opening the chest can create a mind-body connection, allowing you to explore and connect with your emotions. It’s important to be gentle with yourself and not push too hard You might only want to do a few poses and see how you are feeling. Acknowledge the emotional release and show self-compassion. Often as mums we are on the go all day and it’s not until you are on the mat and relaxing your emotions might surface. I often find this true for myself as when I finally have time to do my yoga and relax, I can feel all my thoughts and feelings catching up with me and that could be a mix of emotions.


Creating a Positive Mindset

Affirmations for Mums:

I love to include positive affirmations into my day, and it has helped me to stay motivated and focused throughout my week. It acts as a reminder to keep a positive mindset and not slip into the negative perceptions that can easily linger in the background. It’s a powerful complement to a yoga practice, enhancing the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the experience. It will help you build self-confidence, improve concentration and mental clarity.

You can select affirmations that resonate with your goals, values, and the energy you want to cultivate. Another way is to match specific affirmations with corresponding yoga poses, enhancing the mind-body connection. By choosing affirmations that emphasize strength, love, and resilience, you can cultivate a more compassionate and empowering relationship with yourself and your practice.


Mind-Body Connection:

Mindfulness in yoga offers a transformative journey for mums, providing a space to appreciate your bodies as vessels of strength, love, and life. By being present in each asana, you can tune into the sensations, movements, and breath during yoga poses, fostering a deeper connection with your body. Mindfulness connects mums with the sacred nature of their bodies that contributes to the miracle of life, fostering a profound appreciation for the role they play in the creation and nurturing of life. It also helps you create a positive body image by embracing your bodies with of love and life, focusing on what their bodies can do rather than societal expectations.

Nurturing Wellness Beyond the Mat

Holistic Self-Care:

Yoga promotes holistic self-care practices beyond the mat. It aims to create a connection between body, mind and spirit that flows through several areas of your life as a mum. It will help you with stress reduction which will lead to a more relaxed body that will also help you improve your sleep. A consistent yoga practice, especially relaxing poses and meditation, can contribute to better sleep patterns, supporting overall well-being and cognitive function. Yoga encourages awareness of sensations and emotions related to food, promoting mindful eating practices that contribute to better digestion and a healthier relationship with food.

By cultivating a non-judgmental attitude towards oneself on the mat, you can extend this compassion to your daily life, promoting a positive self-image and mental well-being. Embracing the idea that each practice is unique allows you to accept yourself as you are, fostering self-love and a realistic approach to well-being.

Building a Supportive Community:

Connecting with other mums on a similar journey can provide emotional support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging—essential components of holistic well-being. You are not walking this road alone and when you chat to other mums you soon realise you are experience similar thoughts and challenges. Together we are stronger and can support each other.

As you journey through motherhood, self-love is not only a gift to oneself but also to the family. Through the practice of yoga, mindfulness, and a commitment to positive self-perception, mums as you can embark on a journey of self-love, embracing the beauty and strength that motherhood brings to their bodies.  It’s important to prioritise your well-being, fostering a radiant and positive self-image that radiates love within and beyond the family circle.





Nurturing From Within: Balancing Motherhood and Self-Love through Mindful Parenting


Nourishing Your Body: Yoga and Nutrition Tips for Busy Mums