Savouring the Season: How to Slow Down and Enjoy Christmas as a Busy Mum

The holiday season has a magical way of capturing our hearts, but for busy mums, the pace can often feel more like a sprint than a leisurely stroll. We long for the holiday season, spending time with family and friends but on the other hand the stress can start to build up as soon as you see the first sign of Christmas in the shops and the first invite drops into your inbox. How can we change this feeling and make this time of year and enjoyable one.

 In this blog post, we explore the art of savouring the season—unwrapping the gift of time, slowing down, and truly relishing the joy of Christmas amidst the hustle and bustle.


The Fast Lane of Festivities:

The whirlwind of holiday preparations and commitments can leave mums feeling like they're missing out on the essence of Christmas, instead you just feel like you are running around in the spinning wheel of never-ending commitments and chores. During Christmas especially mums can struggle, and anxiety can be because they are juggle numerous responsibilities and expectations. Some common challenges you might face as you try to slow down and enjoy the season:

  • Overbooked Schedules: Busy social calendars, school events, and family obligations can lead to overbooked schedules, leaving little room for relaxation.

  • Financial Strain: The financial strain of gift-buying, decorations, and hosting events can create stress and detract from the enjoyment of the season.

  • High Expectations: Mums may feel pressure to create the perfect holiday experience for their families, leading to high expectations and a constant pursuit of perfection.

  • Lack of Support: Limited support from family members or friends may leave moms feeling solely responsible for all holiday preparations and festivities.

The Beauty of Slowing Down:

The holiday season often ushers in a whirlwind of activities, commitments, and an overwhelming pressure to do it all. We like to please everyone and do it all but, in the end, we are just not enjoying ourselves as it becomes too much. You might have heard ‘quality over quantity’ and that is very applicable when it comes to Christmas time. It’s important to look at what is important to you and what your values are both in terms of experiences and commitments, to create a holiday season filled with genuine joy and meaningful connections.

Here are some ways can slow down and create more quality into your Christmas.

  • Meaningful Experiences: Instead of cramming your calendar with numerous events, focus on creating a select few meaningful experiences that resonate with your values and bring true joy.

  • Intimate Gatherings: Opt for intimate gatherings with those who matter most to you rather than attending every social event.

  • Thoughtful Gift-Giving: Shift the focus from quantity to quality in gift-giving. Thoughtful, meaningful gifts often hold more significance than an abundance of presents.

  • Prioritising Self-Care: Prioritise self-care over a hectic schedule filled with endless commitments. By focusing on self-care, you ensure that you are mentally, emotionally, and physically present for the moments that matter most. This not only benefits you but enhances the quality of your interactions with others.

When you are slowing down it allows you to focus on what matters the most. The creation of lasting and meaningful memories for both mums and their families means far more than attending all the events and finish off the endless to do list.


Embracing Simple Pleasures

During the busy times of Christmas, it’s even more important to look after your own wellbeing and take time out for some self-care. It’s all about savouring the quiet moments you have to recharge and fill up on your energy to make you feel more balanced. It could be as simple as enjoying a cup of tea or coffee whilst reading a chapter of your new book or listening to some favourite tunes whilst just relaxing in your sofa. It’s in these moments we find peace and time for us which is so crucial for an active mum life. You might also find joy in the small traditions that means a lot to you but don’t require lots of planning. It could be using the special Christmas bowls and mug for your breakfast, decorating a special place in your home with some family heirlooms or baking grandmas Christmas cookies.

Prioritising Family Time

In today’s society with social media, internet and each family member having devices it’s hard to be connected and present in the moment. It’s important to make the commitment as a family to unplug from screens and spending quality time together as a family, creating space for genuine connections.

It’s a very powerful thing being fully present in the moment, and I think it’s the most precious thing you can give someone it’s your time and listening to each other. As you approach this Christmas make decision as a family to have time with no devices where you can talk, play games, listening to music or anything else that enrich that family connection.


Sensory Delights of the Season

Something I associate with Christmas is various spices, the smell of Christmas baked goods, the tree, candles which I associate with the warmth and enjoyment of the holidays. Coming from a cold country like Sweden, traditions are a bit different, and I have brought them with me when moving to Australia. Of course, here it’s a hot Christmas which makes things different, but I try to create the atmosphere from home to hear which means a lot to me and something I like to pass on to my daughter. Decorating the home with candles, stars in the window that light up, other festive lights and nice essential oils that all creates a nice cosy atmosphere. Sitting at night with a cup of tea by the lit-up Christmas tree is one of my favourite things to do, which gives me a sense of calm and peace from the busy day.


Self-Care and Well-Being

Recharging your batteries during the Christmas season is not only essential but crucial to feel good and survive the busy season. Self-care is always important but when stress and demands are extremely high such as during Christmas taking breaks and indulging in activities that bring joy and relaxation is something every mum should do without feeling guilty. Book in a massage, time at a day spa, bush walk with a friend or a lunch with your best friend. It’s easy to forget yourself in the busyness but looking after yourself is the key to feeling great and having the energy for all the other commitments surrounding Christmas.

It's also important to celebrate your achievements big or small, all the efforts you put in are making a huge difference and you should be proud of what you do as a mum.


Mindful Gift-Giving

As the cost of living has dramatically increased many people might not have as much money to spend this Christmas on gifts and all the other things associated with the holiday season. Instead of the numerous gifts to all family members introduce the thoughtful gift-giving, choosing quality over quantity.  A few gifts that are more meaningful and maybe something you have created yourself means a lot more than something bought in a store. Instead of an actual gift you can give an experience which create memories together and has a special meaning. Gifts can come in so many ways and as they say,’ It’s the thought that counts.

In the race to create the perfect Christmas, busy mums often overlook the simple pleasure of savouring the season. This year let's unwrap the gift of time, slow down, and embrace the true joy of Christmas—the joy found in the presence of loved ones, the magic of small moments, and the warmth of shared experiences. May this holiday season be one of reflection, connection, and a celebration of the simple, beautiful moments that make Christmas truly special for busy mums and their families.

If you want to have a stress-free Christmas and thrive this season  you can receive your FREE bonus now; “Surviving the Season: A Christmas Self-Care Checklist for Mums”. Click here to sign up for my FREE online yoga immersion this January and you will get your FREE bonus now.

Wishing you a more mindful and enjoyable Christmas season!




Merry and Mindful: Incorporating Mindfulness into Your Holiday Self-Care Routine


The Art of Saying 'No': Setting Boundaries for a Stress-Free Christmas