Yoga as a Mental Health Lifeline: A Guide for Busy Mums

Life as a busy mum is a constant juggling act, and amidst the chaos, mental health often takes a backseat. We don’t want to think about ourselves and our struggles and can often feel ashamed to admit we need help. It’s so important to address and reach out if you find it difficult as if we don’t it can have serious consequences.

As a busy mum, the journey to enhanced mental health can be found on the yoga mat. By embracing this ancient practice, mothers can tap into a reservoir of strength, serenity, and resilience, ultimately transforming the way they navigate the beautiful chaos of motherhood.

In this blog post we explore the transformative power of yoga and meditation as practical tools for busy mums to enhance their mental well-being and navigate the challenges of daily life with greater calmness.


Mental Health Matters

Looking after your mental well-being is as important as your physical health but often it gets neglected. Addressing mental health during and after your pregnancy is essential for preventing and managing postpartum depression. Early intervention can significantly improve outcomes for both mothers and infants. A mother’s mental health is not only crucial for her own reasons but can also have serious consequences for the entire family. A mum’s emotions and how is closely linked and influences children’s emotional and behavioural development. Positive maternal health contributes to a secure and nurturing environment fostering a healthy child development. As you are a role model for your children, prioritising your mental health sets and example to your children teaching them the importance of self-care and emotional well-being.

Being a mum comes with various challenges and maintaining good mental health is crucial for your resilience. A healthy mother is better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of parenting and stressful situations. If your mental health is more stable, it’s easier to function effectively in daily life. Prioritising your mental health contributes to increased productivity, better decision making and an improved quality of life.


The Healing Power of Yoga

Incorporating yoga into your routine can offer a range of physical, emotional and psychological benefits that contributes to overall well-being. Yoga activates the relaxation response which counteracts the ‘fight or flight’ stress response of the sympathetic nervous system. The different movements and yoga postures involves controlled breathing and gentle stretches which enhances blood circulation. Physical activity such as yoga stimulates the release of endorphins, the natural feel-good hormone that contributes to a positive mood and helps reduce the perception of pain and stress.

Here are some ways yoga can positively impact your health:

  • Stress reduction – By focusing on mindful breathing and gentle movements you activate the relaxation response in your body. You will reduce your stress hormone cortisol promoting a calmer and more balanced state of mind.

  • Anxiety relief -mindful breathing exercises and meditation in yoga can be effective tools to managing anxiety. You will experience a greater sense of calm and inner peace.

  • Improved sleep quality – yoga has been associated with improving your sleep and practicing yoga can make it easier for mums to unwind and achieve better sleep quality leading to overall enhanced mental health.

  • Release of tension and physical discomfort- the various asanas (physical postures) in yoga can release tension stored in your body. Mums often carry stress in various parts of the body of the body and yoga provides a gentle and effective way to release muscular tension, promoting relaxation.


Mindfulness in Motion: The Link Between Yoga and Mental Wellness

Yoga can help you find that stillness in your busy life. It offers you a transformational journey where you will practice yoga as mindful movement cultivating mental well-being. Practicing yoga helps your embrace mindfulness not only on the mat but in your daily activities. When you are more present in what you are doing your mind will slow down and reduce the stress. Often as mums we juggle numerous things at a time and then afterwards, we can’t even remember what we did or experienced. Learning to connecting the body and mind during movement enhances self-awareness, fostering a deeper understanding of emotions and stress triggers.

Often in yoga we are talking about the ‘flow’ – a seamless and continuous movement from one pose to another. Yoga becomes like a meditation, and this mimics how we approach life’s challenges and teach us to navigate stressful situations with grace and resilience. A lot of things you learn in yoga such as patience, presence, and compassion, can be applied to daily interactions with your children. By embracing mindfulness in motion, you can find a sanctuary of calm amid the chaos, fostering a harmonious connection between mind, body, and spirit in the beautiful journey of motherhood.


Mindful Breathing

Often when we are stressed, it’s the breathing that gets affected first. We start to have quicker more shallow breathing; we can feel dizzy and stressed and overall don’t’ feel good at all. The concept of mindful breathing is a powerful technique to help you feel more in charge feeling inner balance and peace. Using the breath as an anchor can have a transformative effect on your mental wellbeing helping you become more present in the moment and creating a more conscious awareness. When you have more deeper and conscious breathing it activates the parasympathetic nervous system promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

The good thing with breathing exercises you can practice it nearly anywhere, for example when you are cooking, commuting or cleaning and it can be very powerful in how you feel during your day.


Here is a simple breathing exercise you could try that promotes relaxation and reduce stress.

Square breathing

  1. Sit or stand comfortable in an upright position. Place your hands on your lap.

  2. Ensure you have a straight spine; shoulders are relaxed, and you have either closed eyes or a soft gaze.

  3. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, counting to 4 in your mind. Feel your lungs fill with air, expanding your chest and abdomen.

  4. Once you've inhaled fully, hold your breath for a count of 4. Keep your breath comfortably held without creating tension.

  5. Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth or nose, counting to 4. Feel the release of tension as you empty your lungs.

  6. After exhaling, pause and keep your breath out for a count of 4 before beginning the next inhalation. This moment of stillness can be grounding.

  7. Repeat the entire cycle for 4 to 6 breaths, or as many as feels comfortable. Gradually, you can increase the duration as you become more accustomed to the practice.


Yoga as a Family Affair: Fostering Connection Through Movement

In the busyness of modern life, it can be challenging to find moments for family connection, so why not try to find something you can do together as a family. Yoga offers a unique opportunity to not only enhance physical well-being but also foster meaningful connections within the family. By making yoga a family affair, we not only prioritise our physical well-being but also create moments of joy, connection, and shared mindfulness. Whether it's striking a pose together, sharing laughter, or simply breathing in unison, family yoga becomes a cherished tradition that nourishes the body, mind, and soul.

Here some ways yoga can benefit you as a family:

  • Installing healthy habits – discuss the long-term benefits of yoga. Highlight how practicing yoga instils healthy habits, both physical and mentally from a young age.

  • Building trust and communication – yoga requires trust and communication between participants. Practicing yoga as a family fosters trust and encourages open communication and strengthen family bond.

  • Shared mindfulness – Explore the concept of mindfulness through movement. Practicing yoga as a family encourages everyone to be present in the movement, fostering a sense of shared mindfulness.


Carving Out Space for Self-Care

As a mum you rarely get your own time to spend on self-care and just relax. Looking after yourself is not a luxury but a necessity to feel good and be able to meet the demands of your family.  It’s essential for maintaining overall well-being and fulfilling the various roles and responsibilities of motherhood. Prioritising your self-care leads to better physical health. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and nutritious meals are fundamental aspects of self-care that enhance a mum's energy levels and overall vitality.

Self-care brings a lot of positive things to a mum’s health. Here are some reasons why you should practice it:

  • Enhanced resilience – Self-care builds emotional resilience, so you are better equipped to handle challenges and uncertainties that comes with being a parent.

  • Mental and Emotional wellbeing- Using practices such as meditation, yoga and mindfulness helps reduce stress and prevent burnout.

  • Increased self-compassion – Self-care cultivates self-compassion. Treating yourself with kindness and understanding, recognising that your well-being is as important as the rest of the family members.

To make and find time for self-care it’s important to make it easy. Setting up a dedicated area for self-care in your home such as your own yoga spot, which is nice, cosy and inviting with some good lighting, a diffuser and maybe some plants. Having a nice relaxing spot will make it your place to relax and your family know this is your sanctuary where you find peace and re-energise from the busy daily life.

In the quest for balance and mental wellness, yoga emerges as a powerful ally for busy mums. By embracing this transformative practice, mothers can foster a deeper connection with themselves, find solace in the present moment, and navigate the challenges of motherhood with newfound strength and serenity. In the chaos of raising a family, a mom's mental health is a cornerstone for a happy and healthy household. By implementing these strategies and embracing the journey of self-care, busy mums can not only survive but thrive in their demanding roles. Remember, a mentally healthy mum is better equipped to nurture a thriving family.


Surviving the Season: A Self-Care Toolkit for Busy Mums at Christmas


Revitalize and Rejuvenate: The Importance of Restorative Yoga for Busy Mums