Surviving the Season: A Self-Care Toolkit for Busy Mums at Christmas

The holiday season, with its twinkling lights and festive cheer, often brings joy but can also be a challenging time for busy mums juggling various responsibilities. In the spirit of self-care, this blog post is a toolkit crafted to help mums not just survive but thrive during the Christmas season. Let's explore practical and rejuvenating self-care strategies designed to help busy moms not just endure but truly enjoy the festive period.


Acknowledging the Challenges

Being a mum is a juggling act and you can wear many hats especially during the Christmas season where work, school and family commitments are so many. It can easily become a total chaos and very challenging if you don’t look after yourself and prioritise what’s important to you. This is where a digital planner could come in very handy and something that can help you keep track of the numerous events and activities. You can even share it with your family members, so they don’t have to constantly ask you what is happening. Maybe sit down and look at all the events going on to see what is important to attend and what to I prioritise. We can’t be at every single event and it’s important to acknowledge and not feel guilty. You have to look after yourself and your wellbeing. If you attend to many events, you might not event be present and enjoy yourself so then it defeats the purpose, and you end up feeling exhausted instead.

Self-Care is a Priority

Self-care is especially important around the Christmas season when it’s very busy, stress is high and the task-list is very long with increased responsibilities and expectations. You might feel that taking time out for yourself is the last thing you have time to do but it’s not a luxury but a necessity to preserve your energy and feeling happy.

Components of your self-care toolkit

 It’s important to build a self-care toolkit that can help you not only survive but thrive this season. Some of the things that could help are.

  1. Create a positive environment - Mums play a significant role in setting the tone for the holiday season within their homes. When they prioritize self-care, they are more likely to create a positive and festive environment for their families. This, in turn, enhances the overall experience for everyone.

  2. Modelling healthy behaviour - Mums serve as role models for their children. By demonstrating the importance of self-care, moms teach their kids the value of prioritizing well-being. This lesson extends beyond the holiday season, instilling lifelong habits of self-care and balance.

  3. Enhancing Physical Health - The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season can sometimes lead to neglect of physical health. Adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet are essential components of self-care. Moms who prioritize their physical well-being are better equipped to handle the increased activities associated with the holidays.

  4. Improving Resilience - Unexpected challenges or changes in plans are not uncommon during the holiday season. When moms practice self-care, they enhance their resilience in dealing with unforeseen circumstances. This ability to adapt and bounce back from challenges contributes to a more positive and enjoyable holiday experience.

  5. Maintaining Mental Well-Being -The holiday season can bring a mix of emotions, including joy, excitement, but also stress and pressure. Taking time for self-care helps moms maintain their mental well-being. Whether through mindfulness practices, moments of solitude, or engaging in activities they love, self-care contributes to a positive mindset.

Creating a Personalized Toolkit

It’s important you create a tool kit that is incorporating activities that resonate with your preferences and liking and something that you enjoy doing. Creating your own self-care strategies acts as a preventive measure against burnout. By taking breaks and addressing your own needs, you can sustain the energy and enthusiasm needed to navigate the demands of the season.

Holiday Survival Mantras

Something I feel works for me and gives me a boost of confidence and resilience is affirmation cards or inspiring quotes. These could provide you with motivation during a challenging season and something you could pop up on the fridge on your phone or by your bed. This is something the whole family could benefit from and helps everyone stay positive during the season. Compile a list of your favourite quotes or get some ideas online for affirmations that can inspire you.


Embracing Imperfections

In today’s society we are bombarded with social media feeds of happy families and mums doing everything for Christmas and having a picture-perfect holiday season. Let’s face it that this is far from true and what you see isn’t always how it really is. Important to embrace imperfection and that things don’t have to be 100%. This can help you alleviate unnecessary stress and make the holiday season more manageable.

Being a perfectionist myself it’s hard sometimes to let things go and not go that extra mile to do things and to please everyone. Yoga has taught me that the joy is in the present and being mindful and in the moment is more important than doing all the things on your to-do list. Things doesn’t have to be perfect to be enjoyable and often you put that pressure on yourself and no one else would even see it. Having time on my own getting a massage, facial, taking a walk or doing some yoga has been really useful during busy times of the year which have helped me stay grounded.


Celebrating a Well-Balanced Holiday

A well-balanced holiday season is possible through mindful self-care. Embrace the festivities with a sense of joy, knowing that if you prioritise self-care, you will be better prepared to thrive and enjoy the season. Surviving and thriving during the Christmas season as a mum involves a delicate balance of embracing imperfection, prioritising self-care, enlisting support, managing expectations, creating meaningful traditions, and practicing gratitude. By adopting a mindful approach to the holiday season, you can not only navigate the challenges but also savour the moments that make this time of year truly special. After all, the true magic of Christmas lies in the love and connection shared with family and friends.

If you want to have a stress-free Christmas and thrive this season  you can receive your FREE bonus now; “Surviving the Season: A Christmas Self-Care Checklist for Mums”. Click here to sign up for my FREE online yoga immersion this January and you will get your FREE bonus now.

Wishing you a more mindful and enjoyable Christmas season!




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