Unlocking Inner Balance: How Meditation and Breathwork Can Transform Your Busy Life as a Mum

Do you often feel stressed, overwhelmed, juggling a million things at the time but there is no time left for you? As a mum and if you are also working full-time life can be hectic and create an internal stress that can be very damaging in the long run and eventually lead to burnout.

In today’s society we all live busy lives and the demand on us women are high as we try to fit in so much in a short time. We want to be there for the family, friends and perform amazing at work and amidst all this find time for ourselves. Amongst all this it’s important to find an inner balance to counteract all the external stress that we have.

But how do you do it?........

As a mum myself and working full-time it’s busy and you have to be very attentive to your own needs so you can find that inner balance. It’s not easy and I totally understand that it can be difficult to make the change. But change takes time, and you have to be patient with yourself. I’ve learnt to listen to my body and what I need so I know that finding that balance is crucial to be operating at my best, feeling great and happy. It has taken me time but starting with some small changes incorporated into your everyday routine can make a huge difference.

Over 20 years ago I was first introduced to meditation and breathwork and it has helped me a lot throughout the years in various situations and especially since I became, I mum. Both meditation and breathwork are very powerful and have several benefits and can transform the way you deal with everyday stress. Some of the advantages for busy professional mums are as follows:

1.     Reducing stress: The demands of being a professional and a busy mum can take its toll and be very stressful. Including regular meditation can help busy mums feel calm and relaxation in the midst of the chaos of an everyday life. Taking time out for yourself to meditate provides inner peace which is very important to deal with a hectic lifestyle and helps you cope better.

2.     Increased focus and creativity: Busy mums often have to juggle many things at the time. Doing meditation and breathwork on a regular basis can help you approach tasks with a clearer and focus mind. Prioritise and increase your productivity. It helps you reduce the clutter on your mind so you can have better mental clarity which helps you in decision making.

3.     Emotional well-being: Balancing work and family life can sometimes leave professional moms feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained. Meditation provides a space for self-reflection and self-compassion. It can help mums cultivate emotional resilience, manage stress and anxiety, and develop a greater sense of patience and empathy. Regular practice promotes emotional well-being and helps maintain a positive outlook.

4.     Enhanced work-life balance: Busy professional mums often struggle to find the balance between work and family, and it can be very stressful. Meditation and breathwork can help you find that inner peace you need to navigate the challenges between motherhood and work more efficiently.

5.     Role modelling for your children: Prioritising yourself and your well-being shows your kids that looking after yourself is important. You are their role model, and they will mimic what you do. Seeing you doing this will show them at an early age the importance of meditation, wellbeing and mindfulness and its positive effect.

6.     Improve your overall well-being: Looking after your mental and physical well-being is very important for busy professional mums. It can have a positive impact on your overall health such as reducing blood pressure, lower heart rate, improve your sleep quality and immune system.


Incorporating regular meditation and breathwork practices into your daily routine allows you to better manage stress, enhance focus and productivity, improve emotional well-being, find work-life balance, and set a positive example for your children. By taking care of yourself, you can better navigate the demands of everyday life with greater ease and enjoy a higher quality of life.

In my  challenge you will learn various meditation and breathwork exercises that will help you find that inner peace and calm so you can deal with your hectic schedule as a busy mum. You will get tools and guidance helping you to unlock your inner balance so you can feel more focused and better navigate the challenges of motherhood and experience a greater sense of peace and fulfillment.

Want to learn more about how you can create your own daily self-care routine, join my Revitalise and Thrive: A 4-day yoga challenge to Reclaim your energy and Balance for Busy Professional Mums.” This is an opportunity for you to find out more how yoga can help you prioritise yourself through creating different self-care care practices that can improve your wellbeing both physically and mentally. You will feel more empowered and in balance when you look after your own well-being and a happier and more present mum around your kids.

Sign up today for this transformative journey guiding you through ways to nurture and reconnect with yourself. The challenge includes live guided yoga practices, meditation sessions, breathwork exercises and other tips all helping you in creating a daily self-care routine, providing you with some well-deserved me time.


Reclaiming Your Time: How Yoga Empowers Professional Mums to Prioritise Self-Care


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